
Saturday, October 12, 2013

My first earthquake -- not even kidding

This article tells about the 6.1-magnitude quake I experienced last night. It was my first, and more confusing than scary. I was in the downstairs area of the office building using the internet, on the phone via Skype with my mom, when the building started shaking. I was confused because it wasn't storming, and I associate a shaking house with big thunderboomers. But I realized, no, it wasn't storming. And then the floor moved. I was like, "is that a freakin' EARTHQUAKE?" To mom on the phone, I said something like, "I think we're having an earthquake. Let me call you back." I hung up, and by this point the shaking had stopped. I went upstairs to the convent, where the nuns confirmed that it was indeed an earthquake, a bad one by Trini standards. They asked if it was my first, was I OK. I said yes and yes. I didn't really have time to get scared since my brain wasn't really wrapping around it as it happened. I'm sure if an aftershock had occurred, I'd have been plenty scared. After the one experience, I was like, "Oh my goodness! What if the building structure has been compromised? What if the convent falls into the office? What if they water lines are busted? What if, what if, what if????" Anyway, I calmed myself back down, called to reassure mom, then called my grandparents to say, "Hey, y'all ain't gon' believe what just happened!" They were surprised and worried. Maybe I shouldn't have told them. But I just thought it was cool, in a morbid way, so I wanted to share. It was unique, more than cool, I suppose would be a better way to describe it. Just one more "first" for this trip.

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